Daily Card 29th April 2022

First House – Arrival from the Starcodes Astro Oracle by Heather Roan Robbins.

The First House describes how you enter the world, your first impressions, and the birth of your journey of self-discovery. If your chart were a village map, the First House would be a gateway and information centre. Planets in the first house are just about to rise over the horizon, where the sun would be just before dawn, so we feel them strongly.

Action: Take responsibility for how you are perceived. As you walk in the door, assess what you lead with- what your mannerisms, appearance, and signals say. Notice if you lead with charm or prickly defence, with your mind or heart, or whether you are versatile, changing your approach to fit the circumstance. Investigate how this first impression affects your identity and interactions. People read what you put out, whether you are acting as a business, as a person, or as a couple, and it’s up to you to ensure that how you present yourself matches your intention.

If you feel misunderstood, look for a misperception, yours or theirs, underneath and tension, and see what can be done to clear this lens. If you strive to be invisible, neutral, or enjoy an air of mystery and play your cards close to the chest, it becomes easier for others to project their assumptions onto you. Consider becoming more transparent and letting your inner worth shine.

The First House can also bring with it a surge of temper or other strong emotion that rushes to your head like mercury in a hot thermometer. If this happens, bring your awareness back down to your feet. This metaphor also applies to a business or project; leadership may be strong and attention needs to be bought back to the boots on the ground.

Challenge: You are challenged to see beyond the shallows of appearance, see behind smokescreens, and take responsibility for how you are perceived.

Gift: Evaluate how you interact with the world as the beginning of a journey of self-discovery.

Daily Card 28th April 2022

Jupiter – Abundance from the Starcodes Astro Oracle by Heather Roan Robbins.


Jupiter symbolises how we expand our world through education, law, philosophy, travel, abundance, and an expansive spirit. Jupiter, the traditional ruler of Sagittarius and Pisces, is a huge gas giant – 2.5 times the volume of all the other planets put together. It takes 12 years to circle the zodiac, spending one year in each sign. Named for the ruler of all the gods and surrounded by 79 known moons, Jupiter never does anything in small proportions.

Action: Think bigger, be expansive and forgiving; deal with issues with a spacious, curious, fair, and philosophical way. Think globally; bring in contributions from all around the world. Consider traveling physically or traveling with your senses by listening to music from a less familiar culture or tasting their food. Talk to people who grew up in a circumstance foreign to you and get their viewpoint. Diversify your perspective and that of your team to discover the missing pieces need to make up a larger whole. Engage in abundant optimism. Get the word out through generosity; give abundantly and good will comes back to you. Invest in education, publication, and broadcasting. Just be careful that your generosity is actually helping the recipient, not enabling or burdening them. Ask what would really help.

Jupiter’s energy needs a big room and an audience. But it can overshadow important people in more intimate circumstances. Watch that your expansive capacity does not cramp the experimentation of beginners or crowd beloved introverts. Notice where you might overwhelm the people you love and give them room for their more subtle style. If you are the one being so overwhelmed, appreciate your own value, expand in ways that work for you, and let the person with Jupiter energy do their thing.

Challenge: Jupiter can bring too much of a good thing or leave people feeling overwhelmed. Watch out for magical thinking and a Pollyanna avoidance of problems.

Gift: Give and you shall receive. Jupiter calls you to expand your worldview, so reach out and feel at one with the whole universe.

Daily Card 22nd April 2022

Eleventh House - Community from the Starcodes Astro Oracle by Heather Roan Robbins.

 11th House

If your chart were a village map, the Eleventh House would be the community center, with rooms for small meetings and greater gatherings, also serving the town council or government. The Eleventh House is a place to meet old friends and make new ones, and a place to work as a team, share a song, and collaborate for the common good. It includes all our collective experiences: meetings, circles, protest marches, group meditations, sobriety meetings, social gatherings, and teamwork.

Action: Look for the answers to your questions among your social circles, spiritual circles, and work cohorts. Enjoy your posse. At work, think about how to put together a dream team with complementary skilled and mutual respect for one another. Contemplate how to make meetings nimble and dynamic, exciting and efficient.

Notice how you are affected by group mindsets, the psychic milieu you share with this circle. If you like what you become in their presence, engage. If you're feeling lonely, join a group with a shared interest and look around to see who's with you. If you're in spiritual pain, find a circle which can pray, explore rituals, or practice reiki together. If you are having trouble meditating, consider practicing at a Zen center or with another group that allows you to tap into a meditative collective mindset.

To improve you love life, consider deepening your friendship first. Take the pressure off a romantic relationship and allow it to unfold organically by building a stable circle of friends who meet your needs. If you are honest about what you're looking for, your friends maybe able to connect you with a possible partner. In an ongoing relationship, romance may be lovely, but for this question you will need to deepen the friendship between you and your partner and build trust through shared experiences.

Challenge: Group mindset can take you places you don't want to go or allow you to avoid the work of one-on-one intimacy. Think for yourself.

Gift: Healthy communication and strong teams are made up of a wonderful bouquet of unique individuals.  


Come share your daily cards with us in the forum! If you don't have an account, it's free to sign up.See you over in the forum, Dee x  

Daily Card 21st April 2022

Vesta - Hearth from the Starcodes Astro Oracle by Heather Roan Robbins.


Vesta calls you to be a hearth fire, to share yourself for the benefit of all but still have enough energy left to live healthfully and give again another day. The second largest and brightest astroid between Jupiter and Mars was named after Vesta, oldest goddess of Hearth, home, the family, and the center of a strong community. The fire in her temple was never allowed to go out, and the fire in the hearth of every home was sacred to her. She did not have to get involved in politics or the misadventures of the other gods.

Action: Evaluate yourself and your life: each human's task is to help reduce the total suffering on Earth and increase the total joy, Your joy and suffering matter as much, neither more nor less, than anyone else's. Do not burn yourself up for another's cause, nor withhold your warmth, but share what you have to offer.

This is not a situation where you need to take sides. Come back to the center, to the flame, to your hearth and your core values. Focus on that center flame instead of personalities involved. Remember what matters, Find that deep calm within. Light a candle with a prayer and use it to bring focus to the center and let the rest fall away. Then decide, advise, and operate from there.

It is time to take a retreat - a chance to clear yourself, clear your energy fields, cleanse your environment. Reclaim your temple. If a relationship is truly of value and importance to your soul, the person or team your involved in with will honour your process.

Challenge: Vesta warns you to share yourself rather than sacrifice yourself. Your hard work at holding the situation together may be ignored or taken for granted unless you know your worth.


Gift: Find the temple within, the place of quite safety where you can tend the fire, and carry this sacred temple with you always. 


Come share your daily cards with us in the forum! If you don't have an account, it's free to sign up. See you over in the forum, Dee x



Daily Card 20th April 2022

Trine & Sextile - Symbiosis from the Starcodes Astro Oracle by Heather Roan Robbins.


Trine and sextile planets promote collaboration by backing one another up, cheering one another on, and adding strength and value to their roles. A trine is formed by two planets one third of the way around the circle from each other, 120° apart. A sextile is half that 60° apart. Trine planets operate from the same element - fire, earth, air or water - and speak that language. Sextile planets relate from the same polarity but in different modalities (cardinal, fixed or mutable); they operate like supportive, noncompetitive best buddies.

Action: Lean in to what is easy and comfortable and use that comfort to renew, grow an expand. Look for people who have compatible and complementary ideas or skills to yours. Work with your allies. Gently expand your work through compatible people, collaborative skills, and through doing what you love. Look for a person who holds a missing piece of the project and bring them in. Find those whose work you approve of and invest in them.

Engage family friends and family who really understand you. Explore what you have in common with a beloved and focus on that, rather than on your differences, and build out from there. Wanders in a favourite landscape and learn from what you find there. Play your favourite music, but on a new instrument. Bring your attention to where the energy flows easily, where support can be found, where enthusiasm exists. Grow organically.

When life is hard, a dinner with friends where you can laugh, relax and let your guard down can be great medicine. What a balm to talk over problems with someone who understands your worldview and to whom you don't need to explain yourself. Moments of ease can prepare us for the bigger challenges ahead.

Challenge: The path of least resistance can be both delightful and limiting. Don't get stuck in a comfortable rut.

Gift: Lift one another up and grow. The comfort of compatible aspect can help us build up the resources needed to do the hard work and face the tough stuff.

Why don't you come on over to the forum and share your daily cards with us! If you don't have an account, it's free to sign up. See you over in the forum, Dee x

Daily Card 15th April 2022

Mercury - Messages from the Starcodes Astro Oracle by Heather Roan Robbins.


Mercury symbolises your mental switchboard: how you think, communicate, and move through the world. Mercury has a large, dense, molten core. One day on the planet takes 58 earth days. Mercury retrogrades three times a year for three weeks, the next on is May 10th - June 2nd, where it slows time so you can remember, review, and reconnect.

Action: Communicate! The mood is quick, fast and cerebral. Look at your situation from many different sides. Be light on your feet and make sure you have all the information you need. If not, be ready to research, investigate, translate, meditate, check your facts, and learn.

Follow up on all lines of communication to make sure others understand what you said and you understand what they intended. Publish, broadcast, network, and engage social media. Make the call, submit the resume, send the manuscript. Check all mercury-ruled equipment, such as vehicles and communication electronics. Proofread and backup files.

Challenge: When a quick mind is not connected to the heart, it can cause trouble. Watch out for the busy hamster wheel of the mind: shallow thinking; scattered, dishonest, or glib approaches; and mistakes made when in a rush. 

Gift: Mercury was the messenger of the gods. Listen deeply to messages of the your soul - the conduit to Spirit - and become the messenger.

Come on over to the forum to share your daily cards with us! If you don't have an account, it's free to sign up. See you over in the forum, Dee x