Daily Card 20th April 2022

Trine & Sextile - Symbiosis from the Starcodes Astro Oracle by Heather Roan Robbins.


Trine and sextile planets promote collaboration by backing one another up, cheering one another on, and adding strength and value to their roles. A trine is formed by two planets one third of the way around the circle from each other, 120° apart. A sextile is half that 60° apart. Trine planets operate from the same element - fire, earth, air or water - and speak that language. Sextile planets relate from the same polarity but in different modalities (cardinal, fixed or mutable); they operate like supportive, noncompetitive best buddies.

Action: Lean in to what is easy and comfortable and use that comfort to renew, grow an expand. Look for people who have compatible and complementary ideas or skills to yours. Work with your allies. Gently expand your work through compatible people, collaborative skills, and through doing what you love. Look for a person who holds a missing piece of the project and bring them in. Find those whose work you approve of and invest in them.

Engage family friends and family who really understand you. Explore what you have in common with a beloved and focus on that, rather than on your differences, and build out from there. Wanders in a favourite landscape and learn from what you find there. Play your favourite music, but on a new instrument. Bring your attention to where the energy flows easily, where support can be found, where enthusiasm exists. Grow organically.

When life is hard, a dinner with friends where you can laugh, relax and let your guard down can be great medicine. What a balm to talk over problems with someone who understands your worldview and to whom you don't need to explain yourself. Moments of ease can prepare us for the bigger challenges ahead.

Challenge: The path of least resistance can be both delightful and limiting. Don't get stuck in a comfortable rut.

Gift: Lift one another up and grow. The comfort of compatible aspect can help us build up the resources needed to do the hard work and face the tough stuff.

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