Daily Card - 7th April 2022

Compassion from the Mystical Journey Oracle by Tennessee Charpentier.


This card represents expressing compassion for yourself and others; swans symbolise pure love and divine balance. If you are compassionate wth yourself it will flow on to how you treat everyone else. Perhapes you have been pushing yourself latley or been unkind to yourself by rushing things, feeling stressed, taking too much on or trying to follow strict regimes or ideas. Relax and show yourself some latitude. If you judge yourself harshly this judgement is passed on to others, and this form of energy just makes everyone feel bad.

Become quiet and turn inward, concentrating on your heart centre. Your heart will let you know what is good for you and seek out experiences that are rewarding and full of light. When you honour yourself, being compassionate becomes so much easier. You see your struggles in others and can feel what they are going through, and you are then able to lighten their load by sending them good thoughts rather than judgemental ones.

Focus on shining your light in this world and becoming a beacon of hope for others. This is not the worldly trappings of fame, money, status but is true success. When you come from a heart-centered approach your endeavours will be more prosperous than if you just focus on the ego-based outcomes.

Meditate on the image of the two swans and feel your heart centre open and become filled with light, compassion and loving consideration for others. This will help you to comprehend everyone's story and realise they are doing the best they can.

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See you over in the forum, Dee x