Card of the Day - 31st December 2021

Today's card is Riptide tunnel - Course correct from the Sared Sea Oracle by Justine Serebrin.


Affirmation: 'I may have known what I did not know. I have forgiven myself and others and I do everything in my power to stay conscious of my action and inaction in all areas of my life so I can be the best version of myself and not be swept away by unconsciousness.'

Sacred meanings

Catch you subconscious before it sweeps you away; stay alert; be mindful; be extra considerate to your soul and others; watch your energy drainage; reflect on your life and relationships.

Sacred message

When you activate the riptide tunnel you will be pulled in by the magnetic swirling force, as a recalibration of the soul is required. Getting out of the riptide is imperative if you want to not only survive but thrive. Your chosen life mission needs your attention: what pathways are you traveling down? Don't drift away into unconsciousness; stay alert! Each moment and each action you take or avoid is a step on your journey. Mindfully create your reality and don't allow yourself to be carried away into the riptide tunnel. Claim your power and inner strength, as your life depends on it.

Sacred sea ritual

This ritual is about honesty and taking a fearless deep sea dive into your subconscious and unconscious behaviours. Set an intention that you can allow your higher self to come through and guide you so you can see and know your true self and allow whatever needs to come through for your highest good. Notice and be aware of the subtle pushing and pulling of the energy surrounding you. Inspect your current reality: what is carrying away your focus and energy? Are you feeling drained by anyone or any situation? What could be sucking your life-force away? Could you be an embodiment of the riptide and unconsciously sucking energy from others? Where are you pulling away from the things that matter the most to you? How is this serving your higher self? Are you waiting to be rescued in any area of your life?

The power in these questions lies in the subtle energies that you may or may not be fully conscious of. Remember you are your own lifeguard. What do you choose to eradicate from your experience? Regain your focus, momentum and energy to get back on your intentional life course. When you are complete, write your reflections down then rip up the paper and bury it in the earth. Water the paper so it can sprout energetic seeds of new higher levels of consciousness and create a more blissful reality for your soul to live within.

What cards did you pull for yourself today? I'd love for you to come on over to the Woo-Woo Connections forum to share them with the community! All you need to do is log in and click the Woo-Woo Connections link. If you don't have an account it's free to sign up. See you over in the forum x


Card of the Day - 30th December 2021

Today's card is Dolphin spirit - Activate more bliss from the Sared Sea Oracle by Justine Serebrin.


Affirmation: ' I am infusing conscious moments of joy into my daily life. I choose to activate fun and playfulness in to my experience, and I feel more alive and free because I am in control of my own happiness.'

Sacred meanings
Bless; Joy; fun; playfulness; silliness; authentic embodiment; activate your child-like essence; integrate fun into all you do.

Sacred message
You are connecting to the dolphin spirit, who has a message for you that can activate the bliss frequency within you and anyone else you come into contact with. The dolphin spirit is calling on you to lighten your spirit, lift your mood and find more feelings of gratitude that can instantly raise your vibration. It is up to you to create more playful moments in your life: the power of play is in your hands! The dolphin spirit is a multidimensional sea and earth being who reminds you that you are made of the same cosmic matter it is and that you are the infinite creator of your experiences. When you see dolphins playing in the ocean or even in your dreams, it is a sign that you are in need of more fun, so design this into your calendar straight away.

Sacred sea ritual
The dolphin spirit activation ritual is so much fun and you can do it whenever you are need of more playfulness. Take a few moments to relax your body. If you can, lie on your stomach and reach your arms back towards your ankles help you curb your back and rock from head to toe on your belly. This is and of itself is playful and can get you to access the dolphin spirits energy more quickly while you connect to your body.
As you rock back and forth, contemplate what you would love to do just for fun and what would make your daily routine much more free and playful. Roll over onto your back and feel into the most blissful moment you can conjure up in your imagination, activating all of your senses and noticing what surfaces in your consciousness. Allow these sensations and ideas to inspire how you choose to recreate your new blissful life. Take a few moments to integrate this joyful essence into your own spirit and decide on a few actions you will implement to ensure you have more playfulness and fun in your life.

Card of the Day - 29th December 2021

Today's card is Octopus spirit - Ingenuity from the Sared Sea Oracle by Justine Serebrin.

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Affirmation: 'I am agile and able to adapt and recreate my own reality. If I do not like something I get to change it with grace and as much imagination as possible. I love that I can always reinvent myself and have new experiences in all aspects of my life and relationships.'

Sacred meaning

Best spontaneous and acceptable; change your patterns; re-imagine, reinvent and rediscover; more; outsmart your old self; innovate your reality; access fresh ideas.

Sacred message

The octopus is an incredibly adaptable and intelligent creature, and the soul of the secret octopus spirit is alive with messages and teachings for you. An octopus may be small, but it is mighty and resilient. If you feel taken advantage of, disrespected or treated poorly, know that you are just like the sacred octopus spirit. You can shed a new light of understanding upon any negative experiences and see only the lesson any purpose in those situations. Having this fresh perspective will give you clarity about who you are and who you wish to become. The octopus always keeps his predators on their toes, morphing into new forms, hiding a new places and surfacing to jump onto rocks. Use your ingenuity to come up with new ways to serve any challenges are you face body that octopus spirit in your life. Honour, celebrate and own yourself and your life exactly the way it is, and if there is something you aren't happy with, reinvent yourself and find a different way to accomplish and experience each situation.

Sacred sea ritual

To begin this ritual, lie down and mimic the energy of the octopus on the ocean floor, sprawl out so that your limbs feel like tentacles, and imagine each limb expanding and activating a part of your brain you've never use before. See new tentacles sprouting from your body and turning on those unused parts of your brain so you have a keener sense of reality and a higher consciousness. Play in this visualisation and ask questions from a high level of octopus creativity and innovation. Notice where you have felt stuck in any area of your life, where you feel unrecognised and small? What aspect of yourself can you begin to love more? What would it be like to find a fresh solution or way of experiencing something that is not working for you anymore? How can you find a fun way to change your reality? How can you simplify or alter your ways of responding so you can create a different outcome? You can contemplate these, and when something pings your intuition take action on it. Try and brand new approach so you have a different reality and can break free from patterns that no longer work for you. When you are complete, send gratitude to the octopus spirit and you're soul self and allowed time to integrate your new ideas.

Card of the Day - 28th December 2021

Today's card is Sea goddess of creativity - Fresh creative joy from the Sared Sea Oracle by Justine Serebrin.

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Affirmation: 'I celebrate daily in fresh ways so I access long periods of flow that calibrate my consciousness to a higher vibration. I wake up excited everyday because I am eager to experiment with what I can create and share with others'.

Sacred meaning

Do something new and creative, dive into a fresh project, creativity is part of your purpose, activate playfulness through art and dance, you are meant to be creatively expressed and fulfilled.

Sacred message

The sea goddess of creativity has come to awaken your awareness of your own creative expression. Are you taking the time to express yourself creativity? Are you creating a sacred space for playfulness? When was the last time you tried a new way of expressing your spirit? The sea goddess of creativity is urging you to take time to express your feelings, emotions and passion through the art of writing, dance, making music, drawing, paintings, singing, design and building. She wants to celebrate your creative power with you as this is her purpose: to play in creative expression and access a flow state and remain there as long as possible. If you can do this the sea goddess of creativity may visit and share her powerful insights in conjunction with your higher self messages. You have nothing to lose and everything to discover, so dive in and express your soul spirit. 

Sacred sea ritual

This sacred creative ritual is all about celebrating that you have a body you get to make things with! Gather all you need to be as fun, silly, childlike, playful and creative as you can be at this moment. Do you need to change your music, set out your supplies or get outdoors to do this? Keep it simple and just begin. Give your analytical mind something to focus on so it doesn't start doing what it does best: overthinking.

Settle in with deep intentions as you start creating and keep your mind focused on this as your body and innate sea goddess of creativity begin to flow through you. Trust your body's movement and allow whatever needs to come through be let out. Find the present, in this moment and revel in the blissful flow. Remain in this place for as long as you can and do this daily if possible. A whole new reality can be accessed from this playful daily ritual practice.

Card of the Day - 27th December 2021

Today's card is Sacred Burial Temple - Embrace Transition from the Sared Sea Oracle by Justine Serebrin.


Affirmation " I know I can connect to my loved ones who have passed at any moment and I can feel the thin veil of reality easily as this makes the reality of my life more precious and rare. I celebrate my ancestors, who made it possible for my freedom within this lifetime, devoted to living the most full in vibrant life possible. "

Secret meaning
Infinite lifetimes, infinite love, connection through the Veil, honouring life, understanding life, choosing closure, celebrating ancestors.

The sacred burial temple is this sacred site for your deceased loved ones to be celebrated, honoured and remembered - even your own past self. The temple exists and the deepest part of the sea and you can access this sacred space only through your meditations and visions. In this temple, you can deeply embrace the transition from life to death welcoming the new life that this old one has blessed you with. You hold the energy of your ancestors here to enrich and enliven your present to make peace with where you are going. To remain close to the sacred Souls that have passed, energetically connect to them for guidance unless current reality, which you can more easily do through the sacred sea ritual below.

Sacred sea ritual
This ritual can be performed anywhere and anytime. Be flexible and free in the way you do it so you can follow your inner guidance. I suggest beginning by clasping your hands together while closing your eyes. Feel yourself holding the hands of your loved ones past, and see yourself sending them love and feel theirs in return. See yourself in this secret burial temple within the sea and breathe deeply. Ask your loved ones if they have any messages for you and listen with your heart, see with your third eye fill with your spirit.
At this moment you can remember who you are in reflection of who they were in their human lifetime to live their lives. Take time to contemplate why you chose to be here on Earth now and what you and vision yourself creating with your sacred time. Honour your earthly embodiment while simultaneously celebrating the ancestors and loved ones passed. When you feel complete, send gratitude and write down any impressions that arose. You are loved so infinitely.

Card of the Day - 26th December 2021

Today's card is TAKE TIME OUT - Siesta, Recharge, Rest from the Ancestor Spirit Oracle Cards by Jade-Sky & Belinda Morris.


Do what the wealthy Roman's did, eat a leisurely lunch and then a siesta. Allowing to rest their physical, mental and spiritual bodies before tackling the remainder of their day.

This is a reminder that you need to nurture yourself. Even if you can't have a siesta, stop and recharge throughout the day. Have a cup of coffee or tea, go for a walk on your lunch break. Take some time out to nurture yourself, rest and look after your physical body. It is essential to do this before you become too tired or disconnected from your spirit and energy.

Practice setting firm boundaries, so you have time to nurture yourself. Do not let other people's drama or energy interfere with your self-care. It is important to look after your energy, so you don't feel guilty about making rest and reflection part of your routine. Visualise a safe place and see yourself making a cocoon around yourself. Go to this place whenever you need to recharge.