My Tarot Journey

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Here is a photo of me with my first Tarot deck The Mythic Tarot, I can't believe it was taken over 20 years ago. I still have that deck but it's in retirement after many years of love and use.

I played with Tarot in my teens but it wasn't until this deck that I really started to connect with the Tarot. I'm lucky that I've always been very intuitive and connected to the Divine but there's something about cards that make me feel like I'm home. I have many other ways to connect in my bag of tricks but cards hold my love.  

In the late 90's I purchased my first oracle deck. That deck opened me up to really wanting to learn more, so I started buying more decks and learned so much. I now have over 200 decks of cards in my collection and I love them all. One of my friends once said I was like a pharmacist of cards, what ever you need I had the deck for it. Oracle cards took my focus for many years until around 2014 when I started unfolded all the different layers of Tarot, and I'm so glad I did Tarot is so fascinating!

Tarot is a traditional structured 78 card deck that reflects one's life experiences. Oracle cards are free flowing and they can feature any kind of content with no common theme or set number of cards. Oracle cards can give you insight into the greater sense of what is going on, but Tarot provides more detailed interpretations and paths.

I'm very inquisitive which I found has turned me into educationoholic. I've hung my party girl shoes up and taken up learning. If there is something that holds my interest you know I'm going to research the shit out of that topic. This year I've been leaning more into psychology learning about Cluster B personalities and how to deal with childhood trauma. I really love to go deep into topics and try to understand from lots of different perspectives. I think being a good Tarot reader you have to have a very wide range of knowledge, understanding and compassion. 

Over the years I've been filling my knowledge bank with so many wonderful subjects. I love ritual, gardening especially herbs and their medical properties, numerology, crystals, tarot and oracle cards, cooking, art, flower therapy, aromatherapy, Goddesses, relationships, parenting, ADHD, music, archetypes, astrology, the occult, witchery, reiki, and meditation. I've had a very full life with lots of different experiences than the norm, experiencing most of the life lessons that the tarot dives into from both sides. I've noticed that when you work with tarot you get to see life differently to others, and I'm so grateful for that alone.    

To show my gratitude to the Divine, I teach an Introduction to Tarot Workshop to share my love and knowledge for Tarot. It's a 4 hour course that sets you up for your own journey with the cards. I hold 2 workshops a year so if you're interested let me know so I can put you on the list.

Personally I'm all about doing what you love, doing it with love alongside massive doses of self love, you can't give from an empty cup! I live one with nature. I'm in harmony with the seasons and use the phases of the moon to manifest my magic while embracing the warmth and powerful energy of the sun and the directions of the stars. 

So that's a little bit about me and my Tarot journey. If you can relate and would love to book a reading to help you on your journey. Click here to book that reading.

Reading cards is such a privilege and something that brings much joy to my heart.

Denita x