Manufacturer: Mother Nature
Availability: 27

Price: $2.50

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Mookaite connects one to the energies of the earth, allowing for a deeper connection. Working with Mookaite during meditation can help to connect with ancestors' spirits, bringing an intuitive understanding of the natural evolution of the spirit. Mookaite balances the Root, Solar Plexus, and Third Eye Chakras, and can improve the flow of energy between these chakras. Mookaite can access genetic memory to help awaken all of one's abilities. Mookaite is also a wonderful stone to use in a supportive role when working with animals. It is a rainmaker stone, which can aid dehydrated and dry climates by bringing in moisture. Mookaite can also assists in the growth of gardens by providing maximum growth conditions. Physically, Mookaite may assist in helping to slow the aging process by changing internal beliefs regarding that process, and by reminding one that the spirit is eternal. Mookaite can assist during pregnancy, encouraging healthy development of the fetus.

Primary Chakras: Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus.

Astrological signs: Virgo, Scorpio.

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