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The Highest Level of Enlightenment by David R. Hawkins

Dr. David Hawkins gives a primer on his world-famous map of consciousness that will help the reader embark on their own journey to an advanced state of consciousness.


The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

The Four Agreements offer a powerful code of conduct that can rapidly transform our lives to a new experience of freedom, true happiness, and love.


Awaken your Psychic Ability by Debbie Malone

This comprehensive book is aimed at anyone who wants to awaken their psychic gifts.


It's Not Your Money by Tosha Silver

The key to prosperity is accepting that you are worthy of receiving.


Fuck It : Ultimate Spiritual Way by John Parkin

Discover how to stop struggling and find fulfilment, joy and inspiration by saying F**k It to the stress, problems and chaos in your life.

F**k It has taken the world by storm, helping countless people to let go and finally do what they want; to ignore what everyone else is telling them and go their own way. This now classic text has been updated with inspirational new material from John C. Parkin.

In this inspiring and humorous book, John suggests that saying F**k It is the perfect Western expression of the Eastern spiritual ideas of letting go, giving up and finding real freedom by realising that things don't matter so much (if at all). It's a spiritual way that doesn't require chanting, meditating, wearing sandals or eating pulses. And it's the very power of this modern-day profanity that makes it perfect for shaking us Westerners out of the stress and anxiety that dominate our meaning-full lives.

So, find out how to say F**k It to all your problems and concerns. Say F**k It to all the 'shoulds' in your life and finally do what you want to do, no matter what other people think.


You Are the Medicine by Asha Frost

Indigenous Medicine Woman Asha Frost invites readers to learn the healing medicine of the 13 Ojibway moons and the spirit animals that will guide their wisdom journey.


Women Who Run With The Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estes

Dr. Estes uses multicultural myths, fairy tales, folk tales, and stories chosen from over twenty years of research that help women reconnect with the healthy, instinctual, visionary attributes of the Wild Woman archetype.


Super Attractor by Gabrielle Bernstein

This book is a journey of remembering where your true power lies. You'll learn how to co-create the life you want, accept that life can flow, that attracting is fun, and that you don't have to work so hard to get what you want.


The Enchanted Life by Sharon Blackie

A book of natural wonders, practical guidance and life-changing empowerment.


A Year of Mystical Thinking by Emma Howarth

'What if you could find inner peace right where you are? No one-way ticket to paradise required...' After a terrible year, feeling burned out and broken, Emma Howarth decided to go on a year-long mystical adventure - from the comfort of her own home.


Ending the Search by Dorothy Hunt

Ending the Search explores the deep spiritual impulse to awaken and the ways a future-focused mind "co-opts" or veils what is timelessly free, loving, and ever present. Dorothy invites us to follow our longing for truth, love, or enlightenment back to their source-the Heart that is beckoning us beyond separation. While describing and honoring different practices and paths taken in one's search for Truth, she emphasizes the practice of self-inquiry as taught by Ramana Maharshi. We are invited to search not for an idea of something "out there," but for the true identity of the seeker, the unnamable Mystery that is compassionately aware, existing right now in each of us. The book also looks at the processes of embodiment and surrender, the need for "ruthless honesty" without self-judgment, and in its concluding section, shares a vision of life lived authentically.


Raise Your Vibration by Kyle Gray

In this book, Kyle explains how you too can deepen your connection with the Divine. Get ready to shift your energy, access a higher frequency, and start receiving more joy, love, and miracles in your life!


Angel Numbers by Kyle Gray

Kyle Gray explains exactly what your angels are trying to tell you through these repeated sequences, from numbers 0 through 999 and popular digital clock combinations like 1:23, 21:12, 22:22, and 5:55.


Beneath the Moon by Yoshi Yoshitani

Powerful and universal retellings of seventy-eight divine stories, legends, and myths from around the world, each accompanied by a gorgeous illustration from acclaimed artist Yoshi Yoshitani.


The Alchemist 25th Anniversary Harcover Edition by Paulo Coelho

"The Alchemist" is a story with the power to inspire nations and change people's lives.
