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Natures Whispers by Angela Hartfield and Josephine Wall

Nature is continually enticing us to spend time in her embrace, through the calling of birds, the babbling of brooks and streams, the fragrant smell of the flowers and the whispers of the trees as the wind blows through their branches.


Tarot for Kids by Theresa Reed & Kailey Whitman

A tarot deck featuring 78 beautifully illustrated cards and a 96-page guidebook that teaches kids about tarot and how to perform readings.


Hieronymus Bosch Tarot by Travis Mchenry

Renowned occultist and bestselling author, Travis McHenry, has painstakingly isolated scenes and characters from Bosch's most famous paintings to create singular images that convey mystical meaning, while capturing the philosophical spirit of traditional Tarot cards.


Crow Tarot by M.J. Cullinane

Crow Tarot invites us to fly through the veil and connect with our intuitive powers.


Tarot Nefertari by Silvana Alasia

This deck recreates the atmosphere and symbology so loved by Nefertari, who is considered the Light of Egypt and a symbol of the most beautiful aspects of this elegant and sophisticated civilization.


Crowley Thoth Tarot Premier Edition Deck by Aleister Crowley & Lady Frieda Harris

The original Crowley Thoth Tarot has attracted a worldwide following, both for its striking beauty and for its complex depiction of occult knowledge. Since its initial publication in 1969, the deck has never been out of print.


The Wild Unknown Tarot Deck by Kim Krans

The Wild Unknown is more than a tarot deck; it's become a resonant guide for people all over the world, inspiring them to share countless images of their readings, tattoos, and art prints from the deck.


Golden Universal Tarot by Roberto De Angelis

This deck is publisher Lo Scarabeo's popular Universal Tarot deck with gold foil highlights.


The Green Witch Tarot by Ann Moura and Kiri Østergaard Leonard

Enter the world of the green witch, where vivid imagery helps you align with the elements, natural energies, and the old religion.


Ask the Witch Tarot by Francesca Matteoni

In the fascinating world of tarot, this complete package has something special to offer both beginners and advanced practitioners.


Urban Crow Oracle by Marguerite Jones

Each card in this oracle deck offers a message to the reader from the fascinating behaviour of these birds, from the sacred space of a nest to the community of a murder of crows, from the gift of a shiny trinket to the curiosity of a city crow peering into a human home.
